Breaking Down Borderland Stereotypes: The Borderland Mindset and Double Consciousness

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Babyak, Lauren

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East Carolina University


This thesis examines three different texts, using borderland theories as a framework, to demonstrate that borderlands are not about physical locations but psychological states of mind. By studying three distinct texts, the following chapters break down various stereotypes associated with borderlands. The borderland mindset is one of ambivalence and uncertainty. In addition, borderland inhabitants are often concerned with safety and security while feeling as though they do not fully belong anywhere. A borderlander lives between two worlds and deals with intense emotions because of this state of being. It is easy to see the negative ramifications of living with a borderland mindset, but each text discussed in this thesis also reveals that the borderland mindset provides borderlanders with a unique perspective. When borderland inhabitants learn to find the positive aspects of their borderland mindset, they realize that they can accomplish amazing feats. A borderland mindset, or double consciousness as this thesis argues, is frustrating yet rewarding when used to provide an extraordinary perspective to the next generation or give voice to the voiceless.

