Now showing items 219-238 of 489

  • Food and feeding habits of the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias overwintering off the coast of North Carolina and the effects on the marine community 

    Bangley, Charles W. (East Carolina University, 2012)
    Spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) are small, highly migratory sharks that occur in large numbers in North Carolina nearshore waters between November and March. This species has long been considered a pest by commercial ...
  • Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, 1984-1991 

    Rulifson, Roger; Cooper, John E.; Stanley, D.W.; Shepherd, M.E.; Wood, S.F.; Daniel, D.D. (East Carolina University, 1992-07)
  • Food and Feeding of Young Striped Bass in the Lower Roanoke River and Western Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, 1990-1991 

    Rulifson, Roger; Stanley, D.W.; Cooper, John E. (East Carolina University, 1992-07)
    This study was conducted during the springs of 1990 and 1991 to provide information on possible causes of the decline in the Roanoke/Albemarle striped bass stock. Striped bass in this system migrate approximately 130 miles ...
  • Footprints in the sand: independent reduction of subdigital lamellae in the Namib–Kalahari burrowing geckos 

    Lamb, Trip; Bauer, Aaron M. (East Carolina University, 2006-04-07)
    Many desert organisms exhibit convergence, and certain physical factors such as windblown sands have generated remarkably similar ecomorphs across divergent lineages. The burrowing geckos Colopus, Chondrodactylus and ...
  • A Functional Analysis of microRNAs in Nicotiana tabacum 

    Burklew, Caitlin E. (East Carolina University, 2012)
    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a newly discovered class of endogenous post-transcriptional gene regulators that are typically 20-22 nucleotides in length that do not code for proteins. MiRNAs regulate gene expression by either ...
  • Functional Unit of the RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain Lies within Heptapeptide Pairs  

    Stiller, John W.; Cook, Matthew S. (East Carolina University, 2004-06)
    Unlike all other RNA polymerases, the largest subunit (RPB1) of eukaryotic DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) has a C-terminal domain (CTD) comprising tandemly repeated heptapeptides with the consensus sequence ...

    Williams, Marcus Jermaul Jawanza (East Carolina University, 2019-11-27)
    Abstract Steroid hormones such as estrogen depend on receptors like Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) and Estrogen Receptor (ERβ) to mediate their slow “genomic” functions, and G-Protein coupled Estrogen Receptor (GPER) to ...
  • The Fur-like regulator Mur controls the expression of the gene encoding the manganese transporter MntH in Brucella abortus 2308 in response to manganese availability 

    Menscher, Evan A. (East Carolina University, 2011)
    Brucella abortus is a Gram-negative, [alpha]-proteobacterium that causes bovine brucellosis, a prevalent zoonotic disease in many areas of the world. Brucella abortus is an intracellular pathogen that survives and ...
  • Gamma Protocadherin Expression in the Embryonic Chick Nervous System 

    Cronin, Kenneth D.; Capehart, Anthony A. (East Carolina University, 2007)
    Protocadherin gamma (pcdh-gamma) family expression was examined in the embryonic chick central nervous system by in situ hybridization. Transcripts were visualized in discrete regions of fore-, mid-, and hindbrain at stages ...
  • Gene Expression and the Evolution of Reduced Sexual Dimorphism in a Threespine Stickleback Color Trait 

    Newsome, William Burns (East Carolina University, 2017-01-03)
    Elucidating the processes and mechanisms responsible for sexual dimorphism has been a central task for evolutionary biologists since Darwin first proposed the concept of sexual selection. However, our understanding of the ...
  • Gene Expression Divergence Between Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia Guttata) Subspecies And Gene Regulation In Hybrids 

    Davidson, John H. (East Carolina University, 2015)
    Since the publication of Mayr's Systematics and the Origin of Species, birds have been important model organisms for studies regarding evolutionary processes such as sexual selection and speciation. In this study, I will ...
  • Genetic Architecture of Conspicuous Red Ornaments in Female Threespine Stickleback 

    Yong, Lengxob; Peichel, Catherine L.; McKinnon, Jeffrey S. (2015-12)
    Explaining the presence of conspicuous female ornaments that take the form of male-typical traits has been a longstanding challenge in evolutionary biology. Such female ornaments have been proposed to evolve via both ...
  • Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function 

    Pattaro, Cristian; Teumer, Alexander; Gorski, Mathias; Chu, Audrey Y.; Li, Man; Mijatovic, Vladan; Garnaas, Maija; Tin, Adrienne; Sorice, Rossella; Li, Yong; Taliun, Daniel; Olden, Matthias; Foster, Meredith; Yang, Qiong; Chen, Ming-Huei; Pers, Tune H.; Johnson, Andrew D.; Ko, Yi-An; Fuchsberger, Christian; Tayo, Bamidele; Nalls, Michael A.; Feitosa, Mary F.; Isaacs, Aaron; Dehghan, Abbas; d'Adamo, Pio; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Dieffenbach, Aida Karina; Zonderman, Alan B.; Nolte, Ilja M.; van der Most, Peter J.; Wright, Alan F.; Shuldiner, Alan R.; Morrison, Alanna C.; Hofman, Albert; Smith, Albert V.; Dreisbach, Albert W.; Franke, Andre; Uitterlinden, Andre G.; Metspalu, Andres; Tonjes, Anke; Lupo, Antonio; Robino, Antonietta; Johansson, Åsa; Demirkan, Ayse; Kollerits, Barbara; Freedman, Barry I.; Ponte, Belen; Oostra, Ben A.; Paulweber, Bernhard; Krämer, Bernhard K.; Mitchell, Braxton D.; Buckley, Brendan M.; Peralta, Carmen A.; Hayward, Caroline; Helmer, Catherine; Rotimi, Charles N.; Shaffer, Christian M.; Müller, Christian; Sala, Cinzia; van Duijn, Cornelia M.; Saint-Pierre, Aude; Ackermann, Daniel; Shriner, Daniel; Ruggiero, Daniela; Toniolo, Daniela; Lu, Yingchang; Cusi, Daniele; Czamara, Darina; Ellinghaus, David; Siscovick, David S.; Ruderfer, Douglas; Gieger, Christian; Grallert, Harald; Rochtchina, Elena; Atkinson, Elizabeth J.; Holliday, Elizabeth G.; Boerwinkle, Eric; Salvi, Erika; Bottinger, Erwin P.; Murgia, Federico; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Ernst, Florian; Kronenberg, Florian; Hu, Frank B.; Navis, Gerjan J.; Curhan, Gary C.; Ehret, George B.; Homuth, Georg; Coassin, Stefan; Thun, Gian-Andri; Pistis, Giorgio; Gambaro, Giovanni; Malerba, Giovanni; Montgomery, Grant W.; Eiriksdottir, Gudny; Jacobs, Gunnar; Li, Guo; Wichmann, H-Erich; Campbell, Harry; Schmidt, Helena; Wallaschofski, Henri; Völzke, Henry; Brenner, Hermann; Kroemer, Heyo K.; Kramer, Holly; Lin, Honghuang; Leach, I. Mateo; Ford, Ian; Guessous, Idris; Rudan, Igor; Prokopenko, Inga; Borecki, Ingrid B.; Heid, Iris M.; Kolcic, Ivana; Persico, Ivana; Jukema, J. Wouter; Wilson, James F.; Felix, Janine F.; Divers, Jasmin; Lambert, Jean-Charles; Stafford, Jeanette M.; Gaspoz, Jean-Michel; Smith, Jennifer A.; Faul, Jessica D.; Wang, Jie Jin; Ding, Jingzhong; Hirschhorn, Joel N.; Attia, John; Whitfield, John B.; Chalmers, John; Viikari, Jorma; Coresh, Josef; Denny, Joshua C.; Karjalainen, Juha; Fernandes, Jyotika K.; Endlich, Karlhans; Butterbach, Katja; Keene, Keith L.; Lohman, Kurt; Portas, Laura; Launer, Lenore J.; Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka; Yengo, Loic; Franke, Lude; Ferrucci, Luigi; Rose, Lynda M.; Kedenko, Lyudmyla; Rao, Madhumathi; Struchalin, Maksim; Kleber, Marcus E.; Cavalieri, Margherita; Haun, Margot; Cornelis, Marilyn C.; Ciullo, Marina; Pirastu, Mario; de Andrade, Mariza; McEvoy, Mark A.; Woodward, Mark; Adam, Martin; Cocca, Massimiliano; Nauck, Matthias; Imboden, Medea; Waldenberger, Melanie; Pruijm, Menno; Metzger, Marie; Stumvoll, Michael; Evans, Michele K.; Sale, Michele M.; Kähönen, Mika; Boban, Mladen; Bochud, Murielle; Rheinberger, Myriam; Verweij, Niek; Bouatia-Naji, Nabila; Martin, Nicholas G.; Hastie, Nick; Probst-Hensch, Nicole; Soranzo, Nicole; Devuyst, Olivier; Raitakari, Olli; Gottesman, Omri; Franco, Oscar H.; Polasek, Ozren; Gasparini, Paolo; Munroe, Patricia B.; Ridker, Paul M.; Mitchell, Paul; Muntner, Paul; Meisinger, Christa; Smit, Johannes H.; Kovacs, Peter; Wild, Philipp S.; Froguel, Philippe; Rettig, Rainer; Mägi, Reedik; Biffar, Reiner; Schmidt, Reinhold; Middelberg, Rita P. S.; Carroll, Robert J.; Penninx, Brenda W.; Scott, Rodney J.; Katz, Ronit; Sedaghat, Sanaz; Wild, Sarah H.; Kardia, Sharon L. R.; Ulivi, Sheila; Hwang, Shih-Jen; Enroth, Stefan; Kloiber, Stefan; Trompet, Stella; Stengel, Benedicte; Hancock, Stephen J.; Turner, Stephen T.; Rosas, Sylvia E.; Stracke, Sylvia; Harris, Tamara B.; Zeller, Tanja; Zemunik, Tatijana; Lehtimäki, Terho; Illig, Thomas; Aspelund, Thor; Nikopensius, Tiit; Esko, Tonu; Tanaka, Toshiko; Gyllensten, Ulf; Völker, Uwe; Emilsson, Valur; Vitart, Veronique; Aalto, Ville; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Chouraki, Vincent; Chen, Wei-Min; Igl, Wilmar; März, Winfried; Koenig, Wolfgang; Lieb, Wolfgang; Loos, Ruth J. F.; Liu, Yongmei; Snieder, Harold; Pramstaller, Peter P.; Parsa, Afshin; O'Connell, Jeffrey R.; Susztak, Katalin; Hamet, Pavel; Tremblay, Johanne; de Boer, Ian H.; Böger, Carsten A.; Goessling, Wolfram; Chasman, Daniel I.; Köttgen, Anna; Kao, W. H. Linda; Fox, Caroline S. (2016-01)
    Reduced glomerular filtration rate defines chronic kidney disease and is associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for estimated glomerular ...
  • Genetic Associations with Plasma B12, B6, and Folate Levels in an Ischemic Stroke Population from the Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention (VISP) Trial 

    Keene, Keith L.; Chen, Wei-Min; Chen, Fang; Williams, Stephen R.; Elkhatib, Stacey D.; Hsu, Fang-Chi; Mychaleckyj, Josyf C.; Doheny, Kimberly F.; Pugh, Elizabeth W.; Ling, Hua; Laurie, Cathy C.; Gogarten, Stephanie M.; Madden, Ebony B.; Worrall, Bradford B.; Sale, Michele M. (2014-08)
    Background: B vitamins play an important role in homocysteine metabolism, with vitamin deficiencies resulting in increased levels of homocysteine and increased risk for stroke. We performed a genome-wide association study ...
  • The Genetic Basis of Pigmentation Variation in Domesticated Zebra Finches 

    Pathak,Shaivya (2014)
    The zebra finch is the most common estrildid finch native to Australia and Southeast Asia. The zebra finch has also been domesticated and is now a common pet and experimental model system for research. As part of the ...
  • Genetic mapping of the female mimic morph locus in the ruff 

    Farrell, Lindsay L.; Burke, Terry; Slate, Jon; McRae, Susan B.; Lank, David B. (2013)
    Background Ruffs (Aves: Philomachus pugnax) possess a genetic polymorphism for male mating behaviour resulting in three permanent alternative male reproductive morphs: (i) territorial ‘Independents’, (ii) non-territorial ...
  • A Genetic Mosaic Screen Reveals Ecdysone-Responsive Genes Regulating Drosophila Oogenesis 

    Ables, Elizabeth Tweedie; Hwang, Grace H.; Finger, Danielle S.; Hinnant, Taylor D.; Drummond-Barbosa, Daniela (2016-08)
    Multiple aspects of Drosophila oogenesis, including germline stem cell activity, germ cell differentiation, and follicle survival, are regulated by the steroid hormone ecdysone. While the transcriptional targets of ecdysone ...
  • A Genetic Screen for Mcm10: Interactions Between Mcm10 and Deficiency Regions on the Third Chromosome of Drosophila Melanogaster 

    Anstead, Bryan (2015)
    Mis-regulation of the Mcm10 gene has been linked with multiple forms of cancer, including many forms of breast cancer (Thu, Y. 2014). Despite this, the role of Mcm10 in cancer is not yet fully known. One way to study a ...
  • Genetic variation corroborates subspecific delimitation in the Namib fog-basking beetle, (Haag) (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera) 

    Lamb, Trip; Pollard, Rachel; Bond, Jason E. (2013)
    The fog-basking beetle, Onymacris unguicularis (Haag, 1875), is currently listed as a polytypic form comprising two subspecies. A flightless substrate specialist, the beetleis endemic to vegetationless dunes in the Namib, ...
  • Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga 

    Kim, Jay W.; Brawley, Susan H.; Prochnik, Simon; Chovatia, Mansi; Grimwood, Jane; Jenkins, Jerry W.; LaButti, Kurt; Mavromatis, Konstantinos; Nolan, Matt; Zane, Matthew; Schmutz, Jeremy; Stiller, John W.; Grossman, Arthur R. (2016-03)
    Porphyra is a macrophytic red alga of the Bangiales that is important ecologically and economically. We describe the genomes of three bacteria in the phylum Planctomycetes (designated P1, P2 and P3) that were isolated from ...