Trade Secrets: A Historical, Archaeological, and Archaeometric Study of Greek Colonization in the Dalmatian Islands

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Schilling, William J., IV

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East Carolina University


This thesis examines the Dalmatian islands and their relationship with the surrounding Adriatic region during the late Greek colonization period in the 4th century B.C. by using colonization models, archaeometric ceramic analysis, and coinage dispersion, in addition to the network theory set forth by Irad Malkin. The timeline for colonization in the Dalmatian islands allows a strong comparison to be made with colonization in the Black Sea region, especially the southern coastline around Sinope. This study uses primary and secondary historical documents to inventory the cultural and geological factors influencing Greek colonization during the Archaic period 800 to 500 B.C in the Black Sea. The Black Sea data will then be used for the basis of comparison with Dalmatia. Archaeological research and survey data on the islands of Vis, Korc̆ula, and Hvar, off the coast of Croatia, has then been compiled along with the archaeometric data to identify a network of colonization based on technological differences within Dalmatia. This proposed network has then been tested against current network theories in order to determine if the Greek colonists employed a predetermined and standardized practice during their colonization efforts of the 4th century B.C.


