Utilizing Ultrasound Elastography to Examine the Material Properties of the Interosseous Membrane
Kubit, Ashley Nicole
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East Carolina University
The involvement of the distal radio-ulnar joint (DRUJ) in a combination of high and low impact activities can lead to a variety of injuries. Previous studies done on cadavers have revealed that the distal interosseous membrane (DIOM) plays a role in stability of the DRUJ. Evidence from previous studies shows that thickness, stiffness, and length of the DIOM vary substantially on an individual basis. The "central band region," is the most universally similar region and of particular interest in regards to wrist stability in extension. Chronic extension of the wrist has been shown to affect this membrane and lead to injury and instability of the DRUJ. Without proper healing, changes in the wrist to elbow load and forearm rotation mechanisms are compromised.
Recently, ultrasound is being used to explore the ligament anatomy of the wrist because it is a comparatively safe and inexpensive alternative to radiography. Developing a reliable methodology for examining this membrane with the specialized technique called shear-wave elastography will provide medical professionals and researchers alike with a cheaper, safer, and less invasive way to diagnose DRUJ instability and examine its healing potential.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether ultrasound elastography is a reliable way to measure the material properties of the interosseous membrane in a live population and to identify any trends that may affect the elastic properties of the membrane.
Nineteen subjects were brought into the lab on two occasions no more than a week apart. During both sessions, an ultrasound exam was performed on the participant’s right wrist and the images were used to obtain stiffness, thickness, and length values along the central band of the DIOM.
The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for each variable indicated that the proposed methodology is a consistent and reliable way to examine the material properties of the DIOM in a live population. Additionally, gender appeared to have little to no effect on any of the variables. Whether or not an individual participates in regular weight training appears to have some effect on stiffness across the membrane.
Further research is needed to explain why the material properties vary for each individual, as well as the consequences of these differences.