An Archaeological Biography of the Garrity Family in Presque Isle, Michigan
Stuart, Sophia
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East Carolina University
This thesis research examines the lives of the Garrity family during their time of service at the range lights and lighthouses of Presque Isle, Michigan. The written history of their family is discussed and then the material history of their family is analyzed. The material history, sourced from a 2005 archaeological excavation of a kitchen dump behind the New Presque Isle Lighthouse, is analyzed in order to interpret if and how the artifacts connect with the historical record of the family. The goal of this thesis research is to discover the time of production and use for the artifacts and then determine whether or not that lines up with the timeline of the Garritys' service in Presque Isle. The artifacts that do line up with the timeline contribute to a deeper understanding of the daily lives of the Garrity family, thus providing an archaeological biography of the family rather than just the historical record. Photos are included throughout the research in an effort to allow the reader to see and understand the use of these artifacts, and in so doing better understand the Garrity family and their work as lighthouse keepers on the Great Lakes.