Now showing items 1-18 of 18

  • Applications of Stochastic Processes to Cancer Research 

    Steely, Kristin Michelle (East Carolina University, 2013)
    The purpose of this thesis is to implement stochastic models that are currently used to analyze the impact of different drug treatments on cancer and to model drug resistance by cancer cells. Mathematical models are used ...
  • Diophantine Generation, Galois Theory, and Hilbert's Tenth Problem 

    Kennedy, Kendra (East Carolina University, 2012)
    Hilbert's Tenth Problem was a question concerning existence of an algorithm to determine if there were integer solutions to arbitrary polynomial equations over the integers. Building on the work by Martin Davis, Hilary ...
  • Economic Design of CUSUM Control Charts 

    Croskery, Thomas (East Carolina University, 2014)
    In statistical process control, control charts are one tool for monitoring the control status of a process. One such type of chart is the cumulative sum (CUSUM) chart which has advantages over other styles of control chart. ...
  • The Effect of the Mathematics of Finance on the Dynamics of a Credit Economy 

    Bennett, Jessica J. (East Carolina University, 2012)
    The general equilibrium theory of J.M. Keynes was developed in the 1930's to help explain the great depression and prevent future economic downturns.   Out of this came the IS-LM (investment saving/liquid money) model, ...
  • Eigenvalues for Sums of Hermitian Matrices 

    Taylor, James M. (East Carolina University, 2015)
    In this thesis we explore how the eigenvalues of nxn Hermitian matrices A,B relate to the eigenvalues of their sum C=A+B. We mainly focus on inequalities bounding sums of r eigenvalues for C by sums of r eigenvalues for A ...

    Molokach, John (East Carolina University, 2014)
    This thesis is an exposition of the Riemann zeta function. Included are techniques of  analytic continuation and relationships to special functions. Some generalizations of  the Riemann zeta function are outlined, as well ...
  • Fourier Analysis on SU(2) 

    Leaser, Tyler (East Carolina University, 2012)
    The set SU(2) of 2x2 unitary matrices with determinant one forms a compact non-abelian Lie group diffeomorphic to the three dimensional sphere. This thesis surveys general theory concerning analysis on compact Lie groups ...
  • Idempotents in Cyclic Codes 

    Brame, Benjamin (East Carolina University, 2012)
    Cyclic codes give us the most probable method by which we may detect and correct data transmission errors. These codes depend on the development of advanced mathematical concepts. It is shown that cyclic codes, when viewed ...
  • Improved Tsunami Modeling Via q-Advanced Special Functions 

    Olivo, James M. (East Carolina University, 2013)
    This thesis studies q-advanced functions that are used as forcing terms in the forced wave equation and the Korteweg-de Vries equation in modeling tsunamis. The model improves existing tsunami models and is compared to ...
  • Irredundant and Mixed Ramsey Numbers 

    Clifton, Ann Wells (East Carolina University, 2013)
    The irredundant Ramsey number, s(m,n), is the smallest p such that in every two-coloring of the edges of K[subscript]p using colors red (R) and blue (B), either the blue subgraph contains an m-element irredundant set or ...

    Wilson, Ashley R. (East Carolina University, 2009)
    When challenging math tests are described as diagnostic measures of ability or when gender differences are salient, stereotype threat causes women to underperform compared to men.  In her theory of achievement motivation, ...
  • Markov Chains, Random Walks, and Card Shuffling 

    Outlaw, Nolan (East Carolina University, 2016)
    A common question in the study of random processes pertains to card shuffling. Whether or not a deck of cards is random can have huge implications on any game being played with those particular cards. This thesis explores ...
  • Mathematical Analysis of Tsunami and Rogue Waves 

    Eidschun, Bradley (East Carolina University, 2012)
    In this thesis both forced and non-linear wave equations will be studied.   Actual data from tsunami and rogue waves will be used and a signal analysis will be performed using wavelets. Main results show that a different ...
  • Mathematical Aspects of Image Processing 

    Kirk, Samantha (East Carolina University, 2014)
    In this thesis, image processing is explored from a mathematical point of view. After defining a digitized image, techniques for adjusting resolution are discussed. Image transformations defined on a neighborhood centered ...
  • Newton Polygons on p-adic Number Fields 

    Teller, Jacek (East Carolina University, 2012)
    This thesis offers a clear introduction to p-adic number fields, and the method of Newton polygons to approximate the size of roots of polynomials in the completion of the algebraic closure of p-adic number fields. Ostrowski's ...

    Hampton, Earl F. (East Carolina University, 2010)
    The purpose of this thesis is to define the basic objects of study in algebraic geometry, namely, schemes and quasicoherent sheaves over schemes. We start by discussing algebraic sets as common zeros of polynomials and ...
  • Random Walks on Finite Fields and Heisenberg Groups 

    Zhu, Yi (East Carolina University, 2011)
    Let H be a finite group and [mu] a probability measure on H. This data determines an invariant random walk on H beginning from the identity element. The probability distribution for the state of the random walk after n ...

    McCulloch, Leigh M. (East Carolina University, 2010)
    Research interest in early mathematics curriculum-based measurement (EM-CBM) has increased substantially throughout the course of the past decade. There has been a significant increase in the number of published studies ...