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Arms, Tamatha E
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East Carolina University
Background: Globally and nationally, the number of older adults is increasing. Age is associated with increased prevalence of frailty in community-dwelling older adults. More women than men report frailty, and African Americans are twice as likely to be frail compared to Caucasians. Function is inversely related to frailty which may be a result of cumulated factors affecting an individual such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, comorbidities, and the use of assistive devices. The prevalence of frailty significantly increases with age and so does poor health outcomes. Early indicators of declining function and frailty, such as life-space constriction (LSC), are important in identifying those at risk for frailty. Purpose: The purposes of this study were to examine factors associated with LSC and the influence of LSC on function and frailty. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted using a purposive sample of community dwelling persons 55 and older living in the Southeastern United States. Results: Most (N = 72) were female (69%; n = 50) and half were White (53.5%; n = 38). Environmental factors (time to full-service grocery store and social support) significantly predicted LSC. Sum of comorbidities predicted self-rated frailty. The total number of assistive devices predicted function as measured by the TUG. Significant differences were noted according to sex and race. Discussion: More White participants were married, well educated, and had higher incomes compared to Black participants. Women reported more fatigue, depressive and anxiety symptoms, perceived their self-health lower, frailty higher, and used more assistive devices compared to men in this study. Further research to understand early indicators of decreases in function and frailty should consider measuring LSC for the past 3 and 14 days.